Head lice are removed within 30 minutes
A unique nit and head lice clearing service.
2 appointments, 7 days apart to shut down the infestation.
Head lice are removed within 30 minutes
A unique nit and head lice clearing service.
2 appointments, 7 days apart to shut down the infestation.
If you have lice in your hair…
How to get rid of them?
We fight lice by performing a vacuum with the help of the European technology Lice Catcher X®. Results guaranteed after maximum two sessions.
- comfortable-safe-discreet
- non-chemical treatment
In the first phase is used European equipment specially designed to treat lice, consisting of a thorough vacuuming of the entire hair to ensure the complete expulsion of lice and nits.
In the authorized pediculosis centers the strictest hygiene requirements are observed.
Lice relief service now available in 200+ cities worldwide.
Nits and lice are every parents nightmare.
But this has changed now.
We believe that there are more efficient, more economical and less time consuming ways to eliminate lice.
A device, through aspiration, allows to remove the lice in a precise and effective way, representing a non-invasive and completely natural treatment. The LICE CATCHER X® is connected to a vacuum cleaner.
Why go direct to Lice Clinics Prime©?
Everything you need to know about head lice treatment centers you’ll find in the APP Center. Here’s the full list of additional Treatment Centers with available, reliable, detailed information. They provide a higher quality of distraction and comfort for children and their parents. Grap a BONUS FAMILY CARD© at your first treatment session.
Lice Clinics Prime© have a central non-polluting dispositif . The orange symbol “Allergy Friendly “ leads direct to Lice CLinics Prime© (free wifi)
Schedule your appointment
Find a clinic
Goodbye lice is the first unique mobile application.
It exhibits various useful info, maps and video. So check the list and pick the center you like the best.

The nearest clinic
The application helps you find the nearest treatment center and displays its contact information.

Book an appointment
Make an appointment easily and quickly for a free diagnostic in the online store to say efficiently goodbye to the lice.

Start treatment
Once the diagnostic has been done, you can immediately start a treatment in order to achieve prompt results. We observe the highest standards of hygiene.
We guarantee you…
- Ecological method 100%
- Geographic coverage 80%
- Trained certified operators 100%
- Success rate 98%
We always avoid…
Damage of dry skin
Our method is based on a system that doesn’t hurt the skin of the head. We never use harmful products or hot air.
Pollution of the environment
The filters used during the vacuum are completely biodegradable (CE, PP5).
Reuse of filters and utensils
We guarantee you optimal hygiene. For each customer we always use a new filter and a new comb to avoid infestation.
Frequently asked questions
Where can I find a certified clinic?
In the GOODBYE LICE APP you can find the location and contact details of the nearest certified clinic. In the online store (shop) you can also BOOK AN APPOINTMENT IN ADVANCE for diagnostics and immediate treatment. ( check prices)
We will help you whenever it suits you best!
How does the treatment work?
We divide the hair into sections in order to inspect the entire head.
We carefully remove the lice and the nits using the original vacuum cleaner Lice Catcher X® till your hair is totally clean.
We recommend a weekly check, in some cases with special attention. Ask us!
How many treatments are needed?
The treatment requires about half an hour on average for head lice infestation.
In general two treatments should take place within a week.
What does the logo " Allergy Friendly" mean?
Treatment centers which have invested in an area that has a silent central vacuum without dust, are indicated with the logo “Allergy Friendly”.
Is the treatment safe?
Yes of course. The Operator who applies the treatment in order to ensure proper cleaning, will file a report of the Medical Doctor.
Our company in numbers
Lice treatment centers
Certified operators
Corporate business opportunity
SuperMedic Industries Ltd is pleased to support its partners in everything related to the operations of the lice treatment clinics. In this sense, we offer you various features and ideas as a free service.